7:00 PM
Present: Commissioners Gregorio, Darling, Bartolotta (arrived at 7:08 p.m.), Thazhampallath, Kleckowski; Chief Howley; Fire Department members and members of the public.
- CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gregorio called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
- OPEN PUBLIC SESSION Chairman Gregorio opened the Public Session at 7:05 p.m.
Dan Penney
Mr. Penney asked if SFD had an affirmative action policy, if background checks were performed on new employees, and if we are required to post a notice notifying the public that collective bargaining negotiations begin. - CLOSE PUBLIC SESSION Chairman Gregorio closed the Public Session at 7:07 p.m.
A) Special Meeting of September 10, 2018
MOTION to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2018 special meeting by Comm. Darling/ Comm. Kleckowski. Unanimously approved.
B) Regular Meeting of September 10, 2018
MOTION to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2018 regular meeting by Comm. Darling/Comm. Kleckowski. Unanimously approved. - TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT was reviewed by the Commission.
MOTION to approve tax rebates to various taxpayers in the amount of $7248.82 by Comm. Kleckowski/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved.
B) The Commission reviewed the Tax Collector's report submitted by Tax Collector Cindy Gotta.
MOTION to approve the Tax Collector's Report by Comm. Kleckowski/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved. - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS were reviewed by the Commission.
MOTION to approve the Monthly Financial Reports by Comm. Kleckowski/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved. - CHIEF'S REPORT
The Commission reviewed the report submitted by Chief Howley.
MOTION to approve the Chief's report by Comm. Darling/Comm. Kleckowski. Unanimously approved. - CAPTAIN'S REPORT
The Commission reviewed the report submitted by Captain Trzaski.
MOTION to approve the Captain's report by Comm. Darling/Comm. Kleckowski. Unanimously approved. - DEPUTY CHIEF/FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT
The Commission reviewed the reports submitted by Deputy Chief Krol and Deputy Fire Marshal Lou Bartolotta.
MOTION to approve the Deputy Chief's report and the Deputy Fire Marshal's report by Comm. Bartolotta/Comm. Kleckowski. Unanimously approved. - COMMISSIONER'S REPORT
Commissioner Darling was sworn in as the SFD representative by Mayor Drew. He provided an overview of October's meeting.
BUILDING COMMITTEE Building Committee meeting was cancelled. - OLD BUSINESS None.
MOTION to adjourn by Comm. Thazhampallath/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Submitted by Cindy Gotta
Prepared by Alyse McEwen