Hot Links
This page contains links to web site that provide additional information about fire safety and prevention, and other aspects of fire department operation in general.
These links are provided as a courtesy, and South Fire District is not responsible for the content of these sites. Please notify us if you find that any of these links do not work. Also, if you know of a fire-related web site that may be of interest, please let us know that as well.
General Information
Homeowners Guide to Lightning Safety - Although lightning-related fatalities have declined over the past few decades, lightning still claims more lives than tornadoes or hurricanes each year.
Preparing for Disasters in Your Home: What to Buy, What to Skip - Consider life in a world without electricity, the grocery store, or access to your car. A couple of days without electricity can make this a reality.
Emergency Preparedness and Pets - Emergencies come in many forms, and each type requires different measures to keep your pets safe. Here are simple steps to make sure you're ready.
Important Legal Documents for Emergency Preparedness - While some parts of a disaster prep kit are easy to remember, people often forget about is the important documents they may need in the event of an evacuation.
How to Organize and Prepare for Disasters - Since disasters can happen unexpectedly, it's important to have a plan in place beforehand. Here are some tips to help you prepare.
Basic Glossary Of Fire Department and Rescue Terms
Fire Service FAQ's, Trivia and Questions & Answers - Answers to questions you may have wondered about from time to time.
Fire Department History, Terminology and Tactics- Contains background and terminology pertaining to the Fire, Rescue and EMS service.
Quick Tips for Reporting on Fire and Rescue Emergency Events - Good advice for news reporters.
Recalls - Six federal agencies have joined together to create this on-line resource which covers: consumer products, motor vehicles, boats, food, medicine, cosmetics, and environmental products.
Current River Conditions - The latest information from NOAA's River Forecast Center about river flow and flooding conditions in the Northeast. Click a location on the map for more detailed information about that area.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention - [video] How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning during power outages, from the Connecticut Department of Health.
A to Z Guide to Security, Safety and Prevention - Learn quick tips and terms that span the alphabet and cover home security, safety, storm preparation, insurance coverage and other common home disaster incidents.
Have a House Fire Evacuation Plan - Fires can spread quickly, and you may only have seconds to react by the time you notice the fire. By planning and practicing your escape plan, you can increase your family's preparedness.
Guide to Handling a Hoarding Spouse - Hoarding is a serious mental health issue that goes far beyond living in an unorganized home. How can you help a hoarding spouse without losing your mind?
How to Make Your Home Handicap Accessible - According to the 2000 census, 6.8 million have a disability that makes it difficult to bathe, dress and get around the inside of their own homes.
Child Safety
Home Construction & Design Techniques for Child Safety - All prospective homeowners have their own laundry lists of wants and needs, but there is one item that tops both of those lists: a safe, healthy place for your children to live, learn and play.
Safety Steps to Follow if Kids are Home Alone - Homework also includes knowing what to do at home to be safe, especially when adults may not close by.
Child Safety Guide: Making the Move from an Urban Area to a Rural One - There are a variety of health and safety hazards parents need to be aware of and teach their children to avoid when moving from an urban area to a more rural one.
Keeping Kids Safe from Fire - How to make an escape plan with kids and keep them safe from fire and burns.
Sites for Kids
Sparky the Fire Dog - Fun and educational information for kids.
Fire Safety for Kids - It's best to introduce kids to the concept of fire safety as early as possible. This web site provides links to kid-friendly fire safety web sites and videos. There are also links to web sites geared toward older kids, parents, and teachers.
Hazards in the Home - Interactive web page that gives kids a basic awareness of potential hazards in the home.
Fire Safe Kids - Learning fire safety, made easy! A free resource with games, activities, coloring pages and valuable information on fire safety, how to make your home safer and what to do if ever there is a fire in your home.
Fire Safety and Prevention
Fire Safety for Kids, Parents, and Teachers - Fire safety for the whole family! This site has valuable information for parents, teachers, fire service educators, and kids. Something for everyone!
Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition - Fire Sprinklers are economical, reliable and proven to be the best way to protect your family and home from the dangers of fire.
Home Improvements to Prevent Kitchen Fires - Statistically, 40% of all home fires start in the kitchen. The best way to reduce the chance of a kitchen fire is to learn how to prevent them.
Fire Safety - Before, During and After a Fire in Your Home - Information and many helpful links regarding fire prevention, being safe in the event of a fire, and things to do in the aftermath of a fire.
Bedroom Fire Safety - Simple steps you can take to prevent the loss of life and property from bedroom fires.
Keeping Your Family Safe From Fire - Fire is something we have to be prepared for. This page has tips for arming yourself against this threat.
Electrical Safety - Simple steps you can take to prevent the loss of life and property from electrical fires.
Holiday Fire Prevention - By following some of the outlined precautionary tips, individuals can greatly reduce their chances of becoming a holiday fire casualty.
Hurricane/Tornado Fire Safety - Safety tips to help protect yourself, your family and your home from the potential threat of fire during or after a disaster.
Smoking Fire Safety - This page will educate smokers and those who live with smokers about ways to prevent home fire deaths caused by smoking materials.
Fight Fire With Facts - Facts and statistics about fire.
Sites for Seniors
Tips to Ensure Safety of Seniors at Home - Ensuring safety of the seniors is one of the most important concerns for a family. A home may be equipped with tools which may look simple, but, can be dangerous for the seniors.
Emergency Preparedness for Seniors - The American Red Cross recommends that senior citizens create a personal support network made up of several individuals who will check in during an emergency.
A Guide to Downsizing for Seniors and Their Loved Ones - This guide is designed to make the downsizing process as simple as possible for seniors and their loved ones.
Elderly Care House Design for Our Old Age - Are you planning to build a new house or thinking of renovating your house? If you are, will your design ideas turn your house into a suitable home for your old age or will it be a problem?
Budget-Friendly Smart Home Accommodations for Seniors and Individuals with Special Needs - This guide was designed to provide a thorough understanding of the latest smart home technology, and suggestions for specific software and devices that can be incorporated into a home to accommodate each of seven of the most common types of disabilities.
Nutritional Needs for Seniors - As people age, their bodies naturally begin to break down and need more vitamins, minerals, and supplements than ever before. There's nothing that can be done about that, but seniors can begin to start changing their diets before they reach this point.
The 7 Worst Senior Exercises - Every human body ages at its own pace, leaving us with vastly different abilities and limitations. But some exercises are unsafe for almost everyone over 60. Here are the ones to avoid - and what to do instead.
10 Dating Safety Tips for Senior Women - Safety always has to be your first concern when you are venturing back into the dating scene.
Healing After a Lifetime of Struggling with Addiction - Whether you've been struggling with it your entire life or the issue developed only after you became a parent, addiction can have an incredibly damaging effect on your relationships with your children.
The Elderly and Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse - Prescription drug use is on the rise in the United States. With that comes a rise in abuse and misuse, especially among the elderly as they are more likely to be taking prescription medications.