7:00 PM
Present: Commissioners Gregorio, Darling, Bartolotta, Thazhampallath, Kleckowski; Chief Howley; Fire Department members and members of the public.
- CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gregorio called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
- OPEN PUBLIC SESSION Chairman Gregorio opened the Public Session at 7:04 p.m.
Daniel Penney
Mr. Penney asked for the status of the audit. He implied that documents were included in the Commissioner meeting packets but were not made available for public review. He asked if there were vehicle logs kept and expressed his concern about the charges against 7403-Vehicle Repairs and the lack of publicly advertised bids. Mr. Penney spoke about 7603-Replacements/Call Backs being at 74.61% of budget and was surprised the Commissioners haven't questioned it. He mentioned a policy put into place by previous administration that says T34 will automatically respond to Route 9 incidents. Lastly, Mr. Penney asked if the Commissioner vehicle marker plates were collected from former Commissioners. - CLOSE PUBLIC SESSION Chairman Gregorio closed the Public Session at 7:09 p.m.
A) Regular Meeting of October 9, 2018
MOTION to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2018 regular meeting by Comm. Darling/ Comm. Thazhampallath. Unanimously approved. - TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT was reviewed by the Commission.
MOTION to approve tax rebates to various taxpayers in the amount of $9,830.02 by Comm. Darling/Comm. Bartolotta. Unanimously approved.
B) The Commission reviewed the Tax Collector's report submitted by Tax Collector Cindy Gotta.
MOTION to approve the Tax Collector's Report by Comm. Bartolotta/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved. - MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS were reviewed by the Commission.
MOTION to approve the Monthly Financial Reports by Comm. Bartolotta/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved. - CHIEF'S REPORT AND CAPTAIN'S REPORT
The Commission reviewed the reports submitted by Chief Howley and Captain Trzaski.
MOTION to approve the Chief's report and the Captain's report by Comm. Darling/Comm. Bartolotta. Unanimously approved.
Chief Howley explained that 7603-Replacements/Call Backs is inflated due to overtime caused by Kleen Energy fire watch. The department has been reimbursed for September and reimbursement for October will be forthcoming.
Tax Collector Cindy Gotta advised that the audit is near completion.
Although the topic had been previously explained, a discussion ensued regarding publicly advertised bids for apparatus repair. Other vendors have been contacted in the past. The bottom line is that First Line is extremely reputable, the department receives excellent service from them, and the location is ideal; therefore, the department will continue to use their services.
Chief Howley advised that sending T34 to Route 9 incidents depends on the type of incident. Commissioner Gregorio said this is an operational decision which is to be made by no one except the Chief, the Deputy Chief, and the Lieutenant in charge.
Commissioner Bartolotta thanked Chief Howley for his professional input regarding the partial closure of Hunting Hill Avenue situation at the new WWMS.
Commissioner Gregorio will look into the Commissioner marker plate question. - DEPUTY CHIEF/FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT
The Commission reviewed the reports submitted by Deputy Chief Krol and Deputy Fire Marshal Lou Bartolotta.
Commissioner Thazhampallath asked the Deputy if permits are withheld due to outstanding taxes. Deputy Chief Krol advised that the topic has been talked about for years but nothing ever came to fruition. Tax Collector Cindy Gotta explained that the Health Department withholds their permits if there are outstanding taxes. Chief Howley will email Commissioner Bartolotta asking her to find out if the City of Middletown has an ordinance in this regard.
MOTION to approve the Deputy Chief's report and the Deputy Fire Marshal's report by Comm. Bartolotta/Comm. Thazhampallath. Unanimously approved. - COMMISSIONER'S REPORT
Commissioner Darling gave an overview of the 11/1/18 meeting.
Commissioner Thazhampallath gave an overview of the 11/13/18 meeting. Commissioner Bartolotta encouraged the Building Committee to request a written timeline from Donna Imme, Supervisor of Purchases for the City of Middletown. - OLD BUSINESS
Chief Howley reported that the lighting project has been completed. - NEW BUSINESS None.
MOTION to adjourn by Comm. Bartolotta/Comm. Darling. Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by,
Alyse McEwen
Administrative Assistant